We offer the original standard
full 8-week mindfulness training course.
What is Mindfulness?
Mindfulness is a specific state of mind or way of looking at the world that is characterized by openness, awareness, focused intention and acceptance. It is the way in which we connect with our experiences and ourselves, fully and non-judgmentally.
We are mindful when we can consciously connect to the here-and-now with an attitude of kindness, openness and curiosity towards everything that is contained in the present moment. This means that we are able to live life to the fullest, moment by moment.
Even though when we think of mindfulness we may automatically think of meditation, meditating is only one of the ways in which we can practice. Anything can be a meditation when done with awareness from drinking our tea, to taking a walk, to holding a loved one’s hand.
“Mindfulness means paying attention in a particular way:
on purpose, in the present moment, and non-judgmentally.”
Jon Kabat-Zinn
What are the benefits?
It’s been more than four decades since Mindfulness was introduced to the Western world and its popularity is continuing to grow due to its effectiveness in helping those who practice to experience a fuller, healthier life with sustainable benefits.
Countless studies examining the efficacy of Mindfulness have shown positive and sustainable changes in difficult emotional and somatic experiences such as chronic pain, anxiety, depression and psychosis (hearing voices).
improves emotional resilience
increases life satisfaction
improves sleep
reduces stress
reduces symptoms of depression
improves overall physical health
improvements in managing chronic pain (article)
makes us less reactive to unpleasant experiences
teaches a different way of relating to thoughts
we experience more calm and peacefulness
we are more connected to ourselves and others
increases self-awareness
we develop self-compassion and self-acceptance
Who is this for?
Mindfulness is a suitable self-development practice for anyone looking to increase their self-knowledge and awareness. Those, who wish to be able to concentrate more or to cope better with difficult emotions and those who wish to be able to experience life more fully.
It is recommended for anyone who wishes to learn how to ‘live in the moment’, without being caught up in thoughts about the past or worries about the future. This has a positive impact on all our interpersonal relationships and it can help us deepen our connection to our partner, our friends, our family.
How do I start training?
You will find below a practice suggestion you can try at home and include in your daily routine. The best way to learn how to be mindful is to invest time in practice and the right kind of training. Here at Acacia we offer the original standard 8-week mindfulness training course.
8-Week Mindfulness Training Course
The programme is a scientifically evidenced training that is used in medical centers all around the world including the National Health Care Systems of Europe and in clinics across America. It is based on the work and research of Jon Kabat-Zinn and is a group training that takes place in weekly meetings for 8 weeks. Each meeting lasts for 2 hours where we practice mindfulness, discuss our experiences and learn more about ourselves and the way our minds work focusing on a particular topic each week. It is a wonderful journey that people often say that they wished it wouldn’t end at the 8th week!
The good news is that it doesn’t have to! Many of our graduates stay in touch on closed social media groups and we organize retreats and meetings (indoor practices and outdoor retreats) on a monthly basis.
The course takes place in an atmosphere of safety, trust and calm where we can journey together in the world of Mindfulness in a supported and accepting way.
Course content:
Workbook of practices that guides us through each session
Meditation practices aimed at increasing our mindfulness and emotional resilience
Group games focused on expanding our self-knowledge
Psychoeducational tools about how the mind works
Psychoeducational tools on working with difficult emotions
ACT psychotherapy exercises
CBT psychotherapy exercises

Silent Retreat
The programme provides the opportunity to its participants to come to a full day silent retreat in order to enhance their practice further through a day-of-silence. Supported by the group effort and energy we go through a series of guided practices together, aligning body and mind in order to experience a deeper sense of calm and peacefulness.
You can contact us with any questions about Mindfulness in general or get in touch if you are interested in the 8-Week Mindfulness Training Course.
Mindfulness as Professional Development
– Mindfulness in the Workplace
Mindfulness is considered a professional development training course for a range of different professions because it enhances our ability to handle pressure, to respond skillfully to challenges, to stop the mind from interfering and sabotaging performance and by increasing concentration.
Mindfulness training programmes in corporate settings have been linked to increased performance and reduced turnover which benefits not only the employee but also the company. It can assist in improving work-life/family balance which reduces stress and can be protective against burnout. It is a wonderful tool in the hands of employs and managers alike but it can also be particularly useful in person-centered professions such as:
Doctors and nurses
Psychologists, Psychotherapists, Psychiatrists
Life Coaches and Career/School Counselors